School Events

In 2018/19 the Sports Premium funding given to primary schools is once again set to £16,000 with then an additional payment of £10 per pupil. 

This year, why not spend just a small amount of this additional payment on an event that will promote physical activity, engage and motivate young people and provide clear and conclusive data that your Sports Premium money is being spent wisely against the objectives set out by the Government.

Full details of the 2018/19 allocation can be viewed here -

At The School Run we offer a range of bespoke running events and challenges. In the summer term we had over 5000 children taking part which included over 2000 young people 'running a marathon'. With the increased funding available to schools this year, we hope that many more will take part.  Our challenges also fit perfectly against the new requirement of the School Games Mark to include a Level 0 Personal Challenge/Digital Competition.

We currently have a number of events planned for the 2018/19 academic year and these can be viewed by clicking on the drop down menu above (hover over the 'School Events' on the bar above)

If you are looking for a bespoke event we have listed below a few examples of events we are able to organise for your school. However, if you have another idea, please do not hesitate to contact us with your plans - [email protected]

Pupils at Appley Bridge School (above) took part in our Marathon Challenge in summer 2017.

Chase View Primary School took part in our Marathon Challenge in the summer term and made their local newspaper!

Run a Marathon Challenge

Perfect for a teacher in charge of a school running club or a virtual competition between a group of schools. Alternatively, why not introduce this into weekly PE/Games lessons. 

The aim is for every child to run (or walk) a marathon, obviously not in one go, but over the period of a few weeks.

How amazing would it be for a pupil at your school to say they have run a marathon?

Package includes:

  • A medal for every pupil
  • An easy way to submit distances and times to us.
  • An up-to-date online sheet displaying the pupils' current distances - makes tracking easy!
  • Stickers to motivate and encourage throughout the term - again these can be bespoke! 
  • A certificate to download and award.
  • The option to personalise your event with added stickers, wrist bands or badges.  

Prices start at just £2.00 per pupil. Please click here to make an enquiry.

Distance Challenge

This challenge is ideal for whole school events or for a club containing younger children. The idea is simple - run a set distance and be rewarded for it.

Package includes:

  • A medal for every pupil
  • An easy way to submit distances and times to us.
  • A certificate to download and award.
  • The option to personalise your event with added stickers, wrist bands or badges.

Prices start at just £1.99 per pupil. Please click here to make an enquiry

The above examples are just that. If you have an idea, let us know and we will tailor the package to your every need. Email us [email protected]